Sophie (voiced by Emily Mortimer), an average teenage girl working in a hat shop, finds her life thrown into turmoil when she is literally swept off her feet by a handsome-but-mysterious wizard named Howl (voiced by Christian Bale), and is subsequently turned into a 90-year-old woman (voiced by Jean Simmons) by the vain and conniving Wicked Witch of the Waste (voiced by Lauren Bacall). Embarking on an incredible odyssey to lift the curse, she finds refuge in Howl's magical moving castle where she becomes acquainted with Markl, Howl's apprentice, and a hot-headed fire demon named Calcifer (voiced by Billy Crystal). Sophie's love and support comes to have a major impact on Howl, who flies in the face of orders from the palace to become a pawn of war and instead risks his life to help bring peace to the kingdom.Based on the novel by Diana Wynne Jones.
Hayao Miyazaki
Except for Howl’s Moving Castle, that is. Mainly because it stars Batman, but more on that later. Maybe it’s the quasi-European setting (the book was based on a novel by English writer Diana Wynne Jones, after all) or that I always assumed that if a fire could talk, it would sound like Billy Crystal. Watch Howl’s Moving Castle (2004) full movie English Sub. Howl’s Moving Castle synopsis: A young girl is forced to toil in her parents’ hat shop and her only joy is in her occasional meetings with a handsome stranger, Howl the wizard. When a witch sees her happiness, she curses her.
Toshio Suzuki
Emily Mortimer, Christian Bale, Jean Simmons, Lauren Bacall, Blythe Danner, Josh Hutcherson, Billy Crystal
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Howl's Moving Castle English Dub