Android Horizontal Progress Bar Thickness

  • Android ProgressBar Properties. Progress: An int value to indicate the progress bar current progress.; secondaryProgress: An int value to indicate the progress bar current secondary progress.; indeterminate: A boolean value. True show a circle bar. False show a horizontal bar.But commonly the bar is decided by it’s style value. Progress Bar Style.
  • Android Horizontal progressBar can be defined as below – Android ProgressBar is an user interface that represents progress of an operation. Here, Horizontal ProgressBar means progressBar as a horizontal line. Different Attributes of Android Horizontal ProgressBar Widget.

ProgressDialog Tutorial With Example In Android Studio

A tiny Android library makes very easier ProgressBar anitmation horizontal. Include the AnimateHorizontalProgressBar widget in your layout.

Android Progress Dialog is a UI which shows the progress of a task like you want user to wait until the previous lined up task is completed and for that purpose you can use progress dialog. The best example is you see when downloading or uploading any file.

In this tutorial I will demonstrate both the Ring and the Bar style(Horizontal) ProgressDialog component and will also use the special tools like Handler to update the value of the bar format.

Table Of Contents

Important Methods Of ProgressDialog

1. setTitle(CharSequence title) –This component is used to set the title of the progress dialog.

2. setMessage(CharSequence message) –This component displays the required message in the progress dialog.

3. setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL) –This is used for setting the horizontal style of the progress dialog.

4. setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER) –This is used for setting the spinner style of the progress dialog.

5. setMax(int max) – This method sets the maximum value of the progress dialog.

6. getMax() –This method return the maximum value of the progress dialog, basically this method is used while applying condition over the progress dialog.

7. getProgess() – This returns current progress of the progress dialog in numeric.

8. incrementProgressBy(int diff) – This method increments the progress dialog value with the defined value.

9. setCancelable(boolean cancelable) – This method has boolean value i.e true/false. If set to false it allows to cancel the dialog box by clicking on area outside the dialog default it is true if method is not used.

Android Horizontal Progress Bar Thickness Tool

Run batch file as administrator from command line. 10. dismiss() – This method dismiss the progressdialog.

Android Horizontal Progress Bar Thickness

ProgressDialog Example In Android Studio:

Below is the example of Progress Dialog in which the functionality of ProgressDialog is defined over the buttons click. In this example we have used a simple buttons and over that button click the ProgressDialog will appear.

Below you can download code, see final output and step by step explanation of ProgressDialog example in Android Studio.

Android Horizontal Progress Bar Thickness Gauge

Step 1:Create a new project and name it ProgressDialogExample.

Step 2: Open res -> layout -> activity_main.xml (or) main.xml and add following code:

Here define two buttons

Android Horizontal Progress Bar Thickness Chart

Step 3 : Now open app -> java -> package -> and add the below code.

In this we added the progress dialog functionality on the button click having onclicklistener. The two buttons both are displaying different type of progress dialog which is set using setProgressStyle i.e spinner or horizontal bar.


Android Horizontal Progress Bar Thickness Sheet

Now start the AVD in Emulator and run the App. You will see two button. Click on them and see the different ProgressDialog in android.

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